
The future (™) is already here, it's just not very evenly distributed. Such is the famous quote from SciFi superstar William Gibson. Digital technologies change the present and influence the possible pathways of development for our society(s), culture(s) and politics. These potentials, however, often become path dependencies. Therefore, it is crucial to use "disruptions" to literally challenge patterns of development, to reduce discrimination and to reflect the diversity of society in new technologies. And to not isolate them from the realities of life, body identities, and political economies.

With "EmanziTech" we shed light on the intersection between technology, politics, body(ies) and sexuality - and examine how forms of racism, exclusion and oppression continue on the Internet, in data sets and in our social structures. How do we reverse system errors? Whose knowledge counts in development and research? Do we need a new canon?
We are looking for ideas and projects that frame technologies as critical infrastructures for society – and want to change them so they are aligned with needs, not market opportunities. We consider and question technology that hacks our bodies and redefines them. Why do robots have to be human-like and language assistants need to sound as feminine as possible?

The topic "EmanziTech" is about power structures and self-determination, about equal rights and freedom – assisted by digital technologies, set free from Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft (GAFAM) and surveillance capitalism. For us, "access all areas" also means looking at FutureSex, FeministPorn, applications, and LowTech tutorials for health education. It's about redefining corporeality, experimenting, and exploring the other.