
The upcoming test, the nearing exam, the homework due tomorrow, the presentation for the day after, the streak in the vocab app, the next module in the online course, new messages in the study group on WhatsApp, early English lessons, lifelong learning, we all have to learn how to code, why not learning a music instrument and a yoga course...

Education is important. Learning causes stress. And often doesn't feel right. Does it have to be like this? Or to put it another way: What does really matter?
In 2020, re:learn asks: What is truly urgent in terms of learning, and what is really important in terms of education? "Important" means it's crucial for our actions in the present and in the future, individually and socially. "Urgent" means it can't wait, we have to get started immediately.

The topic re:learn particularly welcomes contributions that examine learning from the perspective of a sustainable and democratic society whose citizens want to make a difference. re:learn is open for submissions from all areas of education, whether in schools, colleges, or adult education centers, in theatres, laboratories, workshops or on the Internet, in companies or in action groups. What is crucial is that it cannot wait!

re:learn—as soon as possible!

re:learn is curated and presented Jöran Muuß-Merholz (Agentur J&K – Jöran und Konsorten)


  • Media
    Klimaveränderung in der digitalen Welt: Ein Shitstorm zieht auf und fegt durchs Web. Lästerattacken prasseln nieder. Mobber und Bullys suchen in den sozialen Medien neue Opfer. Wer nicht schnell genug in Deckung geht, Schwäche zeigt oder das falsche Foto hochgeladen hat, der bekommt die volle Breitseite dieser Phänomene zu spüren. Selbst Schuld? Was tun? Wie helfen? Ein Vortrag über Hilfe beim Thema Cybermobbing.